

Kia ora e te whānau, ko Ahilapalapa tōku ingoa. He kākano ahau o ngā tangata o Moana Nui a Kiwa, i whanau mai i Te Tai Tokerau o Aotearoa no reira he tangata tiriti ahau. Ki te taha o tōku Pāpā he Pākehā, no Aireni te whenua o ōku tupuna.  Ki te taha o tōku Māmā no Whītī, no Hawaiʻi ōku Ūkaipō. I tipu ake au ki Matapōuri no reira ngā mihi mutunga kore ki ngā tangata whenua o tērā wahi te hāpu Te Whānau o Rangiwhakaahu.

​@keen2kōrero is an instagram account sharing illustritave tools to encourage correct pronounciation of te reo Māori. do this work as tau iwi and as manuhiri. My role is to tautoko and collaborate where possible with mana whenua.

Te reo Māori is the principle language of Aotearoa. It is beautiful, it is chiefly, it is true. Learn the language of this place. It will open your whole world up.